I mentor visionary women in business. The Purpose-led Impact-makers all looking to play bigger, embody their fullness and find their “true north”.

You’ve tasted success. You could easily keep going as you are now, but something undeniable within keeps nudging you forward, upwards, deeper - to a place of greater impact and growth. 

You’re feeling the throws of a big transition, you’re stuck in the middle, right on the edge. In this moment, you can sense the delicious opportunity alongside the force of Expansion Anxiety that has the potential to derail your path.

Picture it. Holding steady. Claiming your You-ness. Trusting in your truth.

It is my job to re-connect you with your what makes you magnetically YOU, cut through the conditioning and find your internal source of power and strength to hold you sustainably in your success.


You know you can change the world with your work. 

You hunger for the mess in the process of becoming. Here for the juicy, transformative, life changing conversations. You deeply know that true shifts are less about doing and more about embodying. 

You’re craving out of the ordinary, a place to actualise the deepest desires you hold. A process that fosters fullness at every level of life. You understand that excellence requires support; the eyes that can see what isn’t visible to you right now. 

Believe me, your reality right now is a fraction of what is possible for you. Staying where you are is suffocating. I want you to rise to your greatest impact. 

At the end of our work together, you will know within you that you too are limitless. 


CEO Psychology

Psychology influences everything you do and say in your work. It encompasses all of your thoughts, beliefs and lenses in which you live by and through. CEO Psychology underpins your identity as a leader. It underpins how you approach strategy and action. 


Sustainable strategy reflects the plan that you are following to scale your business, manage your team or progress in your career. It's the blueprint around the "how" to achieve what you want to achieve.


Aligned action reflects the plan that you are following to scale your business/manage your team or progress in your career. It's the blueprint around the "how" to achieve what you want to achieve.



Not for the faint-hearted or those rigid in thought. I am here to help you create unrecognisable, elevating change. Intensive and potent. This is partnership in its full essence. You and me. All in. Together. 

Coaching with me will require more than the financial investment. I hold you in your exchange of time and energy. I work exclusively with women who are ready to show up and own their full permission to evolve and expand. 

Pre-coaching questionnaire

A deep written dive to activate your vision for our work.


Monthly 90 minute one on one sessions held over zoom

I approach each session as if it will be our last. This is not a continuation but a punctuation. My intention is for each of our interactions to create big shifts in your life and business. 


Daily voice messaging and text support via Slack 

Step into receivership. Service and support when and where it matters most.  


Unlimited additional 30 minute 1:1 power sessions as needed

My clients are busy. We speak most days in slack. This is for the times that you need that "riff it out" quick session.


Lifetime access to my Intentional Business Library

All the resources, templates, spreadsheets and playbooks you need to build to multi six figures.

SIX month Partnership

$250 deposit + 6 monthly payments of $2000.


Hi I’m Monique!

I’m a beach loving, piccolo and prosecco drinking Holistic Business Success Coach and Therapist. I integrate the inner self discovery work with practical strategy to support mission led, change-making women develop and scale the businesses and careers or their dreams (without blowing up their lives!). 

Over the last ten years, I have seen far too many women sabotage their big, inspirational, impactful dreams through the experience of Expansion Anxiety. Be it; procrastination, perfectionism, pacification, projection or perturbation, Expansion Anxiety has legs to blow up all that you deeply desire across your life. 

That’s where I come in. 

My mission is to work with those destined for great impact. Right when they are on their growth edge. Whatever your experience of expansion, up-levelling or rising - I’m here to help you discover the parts of yourself that have been holding you back, remind you of your brilliance and guide you back to the powerful badass woman that you are. I do this in a way that staying still is no longer an option, you will be reminded of just how powerful you are and be inspired to lead from that place. 


Wanting a more you-shaped business? 

Connect with your strengths and access your zone of genius for your most abundant + fulfilling business

Download the FREE Uniquely You Playbook